The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Plants for Offices With No Windows and How to Care for Them

December 18, 2022

Whether you’re working in a cubicle or you’ve converted that empty walk-in closet into a work-from-home office, it’s good to have a little greenery around. 

Having a plant on your desk can liven up the space and bring you happiness when you sit down to start working. 

But what are the best plants for an office with no windows?

This guide will introduce you to a number of plants that will survive in an office with no windows so you can spruce up your desk space.

Table of Contents

  • Can a Plant Survive in an Office With No Windows?
  • How to Choose the Best Plant for an Office With No Windows
  • The Top 10 Plants for Offices Without Windows
  • Botanica Floral+Home: Your Trusted Source for Low-Light Plants in Portland

Can a Plant Survive in an Office With No Windows?

Good news — the answer is yes. Plenty of plants can survive in an office with no windows (we’ll get into the specifics later on).

In fact, fluorescent lighting is actually good for a lot of plants. Another option for offices with no windows includes plants that require less light.

How to Choose the Best Plant for an Office With No Windows

A couple of things to consider when choosing the best plant for an office with no windows include the plant’s:

  • Watering needs
  • Appearance
  • Growth rate
  • Light needs/requirements
  • Size
  • Etc.

Picking the right plant (and working to maintain it) shouldn’t be a stressful task. 

Botanica Floral+Home can create indoor plant installations for your corporate office or home office and offer weekly plant watering and maintenance services.

Click here to shop for flower delivery for Portland/Vancouver Metro area today!

The Top 10 Plants for Offices Without Windows

Plants often add life to a sterile office environment and help clean the air while bringing beauty and comfort your space.

Studies have shown that interior plants help boost … 

  • Productivity
  • Creativity; and
  • Problem solving

… while creating a healthy indoor environment.

Read on for a list of 15 plants that can survive without windows you may want to consider adding to your office.

#1: The ZZ Plant

Our first suggestion for a plant for an office desk with no windows is the ZZ plant.


With small, waxy leaves, the ZZ plant has plenty of foliage to fill up your office.

How to Care for a ZZ Plant in Your Windowless Office

The ZZ plant will thrive in lower-light areas. You’ll want to be sure your plant isn’t getting any direct sunlight — that can actually damage it. 

Frequent watering isn’t necessary, either; every 2-3 weeks is the ideal timeframe. 

#2: The Snake Plant (Sansevieria)

You may have heard a snake plant referred to as a bunch of different names, including:

  • Sansevieria
  • Bowstring hemp
  • Snake tongue; or 
  • Devil’s tongue 

Whatever you choose to call it, a snake plant is going to be one of the simplest (and most common) types of indoor plants for an office with no windows. 

They do well in indirect sunlight and can manage in low light situations. Although, some sun wouldn’t hurt it every now and then. 

How to Care for a Snake Plant in Your Windowless Office

A snake plant may not require much light, but you’ll need to water yours every 2-3 weeks.

Without getting too in the weeds as to why, you’ll want to make sure your snake plant’s soil is entirely dry before you water it again to avoid root rot.

This can be a common problem for this type of plant.

#3: The Peace Lily

The peace lily typically produces its signature white blooms in the spring, while some also bloom in the fall, and can reach over 24 inches in height and extend to 40 inches tall. 

And as a bonus — peace lilies act as a natural air purifier, so you’ll breathe easier with this choice. 

How to Care for a Peace Lily in Your Windowless Office

Place your peace lily away from direct sunlight, ideally in low to mid-light areas to allow your plant to grow best. Fluorescent light is safe as well.


Weekly watering is necessary and you’ll also want to use a small spray bottle to spritz the peace lily’s leaves every once in a while.

#4: The African Violet

African violets can brighten up an office space with their beautiful blooms, and, when cared for properly, can live for decades.

How to Care for an African Violet in Your Windowless Office

To grow your African violet, you’ll want to:

  1. Place your plant in bright, indirect light.
  2. Water and feed your plant with houseplant food.
  3. Repot when plants develop a bare “neck” between the leaves and soil line.

Give your plant with just enough water to keep the soil about as damp as a wrung-out sponge. 

Be sure you use room-temperature water and try to avoid spilling any water or droplets on the leaves..

#5: The Monstera Plant

If your office has a bare corner that needs filling, a Monstera may do the trick.

These no-light indoor plants can thrive in offices without windows, making it a perfect addition to our list.

How to Care for a Monstera Plant in Your Windowless Office

Be sure your Monstera is in bright or filtered, indirect light.

Take care to notice when the top half layer of soil is entirely dry — that’s when you’ll want to water it. 

To encourage continuous growth, you can also add some plant food to the soil every month. 

#6: The Cast Iron Plant

While this type of plant grows large, curved leaves, it may take a while to get there. 

It’s not a particularly fast-growing plant, but the Cast Iron plant is very hardy. 

How to Care for a Cast Iron Plant in Your Windowless Office

To help prevent your cast iron plant from struggling to get nutrients from light, you’ll need to clean its leaves with a soft cloth.


Place your plant in indirect lighting, water it about once a week or so, and watch it grow.

#7: The Philodendron Plant

With a width of about six feet and a height of roughly three feet, the Philodendron plant is another plant that can fill up a room.

They’re easily adaptable and can grow in a variety of indoor climates.

How to Care for a Philodendron Plant in Your Windowless Office

The Philodendron does prefer moderate sunlight, but it can grow in your office with no windows, provided you remember to water it once a week. 

It can also thrive in artificial (aka fluorescent) light, making it a great office option.

When you go to water your plant, make sure the first inch of soil is dry before you do. 

To help encourage growth, you can water your plant with fertilizer monthly in spring and summer, and every six to eight weeks in fall and winter months.

Botanica Floral+Home can help you pick out and care for your Philodendron plant. 

Click here to shop for flower delivery for Portland/Vancouver Metro area today!

#8: Pothos Plants

Another great plant that easily grows in an office with no windows is the Epipremnum aureum, aka a Pothos plant. 

These plants make great indoor office additions since they don’t need much natural light. 

The Pothos plant’s telltale long vines can line the walls of your office if you let it.

How to Care for a Pothos Plants in Your Windowless Office

Low or medium light is suitable for the Pothos plant, so if you ever move to a room with a view, your plant can move with you.

As with most of the plants on this list, you’ll want to allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings, as overwatering can cause root rot.

#9: The Aloe Vera Plant

If you’ve gotten a sunburn before, chances are you’ve used some aloe vera gel to soothe the burn. 

While you likely won’t be getting too much sun in your windowless office, an aloe vera plant is still a great option for your desk.

How to Care for an Aloe Vera in Your Windowless Office

To care for your aloe vera plant, keep it in indirect light and make note to water it every 2-3 weeks. 

Ensure that the pot your plant is in has plenty of drainage holes, since aloe vera plants can’t handle any standing water.

#10: The Peacock Plant

The peacock plant is named after its vivid green leaves. 

They do require a bit more care than others on our list, but your time is well worth it to have this pretty plant on your desk.

How to Care for a Peacock Plant in Your Windowless Office

Windowless offices are ideal for the peacock plant as too much direct light can alter the look of their leaves, turning them dull and pale. 

Lower or even medium light will allow them to thrive. 

You’ll need to use fertilizer every two to four weeks during your plant’s growing season and re-pot it every year or so.

Botanica Floral+Home: Your Trusted Source for Low-Light Plants in Portland

Growing plants is a lifelong learning process, one we’re quite familiar with. 

Don’t be afraid to start growing — plants, especially ones that require little to no sunlight, are easy with the right care. 

Our advice? Set a schedule of care to make it easier to remember when to water, re-pot, etc.


Or, just call Botanica Floral+Home. We: 

  1. Can design and create an indoor plant installation for your corporate or WFH home office
  2. Offer weekly plant watering and maintenance services

Spruce up the office and shop today.

Click here to shop for flower delivery for Portland/Vancouver Metro area today!