A New Year, A New Start and A New Plant!

January 1, 2024

Happy 2024 to all!

While it really is just a date change and continuation of time, the new year always feels like a new beginning to me, a new start full of hope and excitement.  

But while the year may be shiny and new, January can often feel like a letdown after the excitement and distraction of the holidays. Come January, the parties are over, the lights and decorations that have brightened our homes and business have been taken down and put away and we are now staring headlong into the long, grey, wet Pacific NW winter.

Enter the houseplant!

2020 will be known for many things and one of those things should be The Year of the Houseplant! That is when the latest houseplant craze began and it continues today. One sure fire way to brighten and enliven your home or office is to bring in some fresh living greenery.

Plants have become one of the hottest selling products around and for good reason.  Not only will they enliven your home or office, they will also help clean the air and help reduce stress by create a calming atmosphere. Something that is greatly needed.  And for many, plants are the new children.


A Breath of Fresh Air

Many studies have shown that by adding plants to your home you can increase the indoor air quality. NASA researchers set out to find the best ways to clean the air in space stations and found that many  plants are very effective at removing benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene, xylene, and ammonia from the air—chemicals that have been linked to health effects like headaches and eye irritation. How cool is that?!

Check out some of the best plants for cleaning the air


Be More Chill

Research has also shown that plants in the home or office can reduce tension in people by almost 40 per cent, because they remind us of the outdoors, nature, and a slower pace of life, which is instantly calming. Human beings are hardwired to respond positively to the natural environment.

‘Plants remind us of a natural, simple way of living. A pace of life that is slower yet still incredibly intelligent, beautiful and efficient. – Emma Mills

Even the act of watering plants can do wonders for it is very meditative as well as an act of mindfulness, connecting us with nature.

Chanel De Kock, spokesperson for thejoyofplants.co.uk says that ‘Green is the most predominant colour on the planet after blue. Green balances our energies, and it can be used to increase our sensitivity and compassion towards others.


Now some of you may be thinking that having a plant or several plants, will actually cause you more stress since you now have to keep something else alive other than yourself!

But never fear, with the right plant for the right situation, plant care is really quite simple. It is all a matter of choosing the plant(s) that will work for you - the last thing a plant should do is cause you anxiety.

Growing plants is rather like any other skill you have learned or are trying to learn. You start out with the basics and gradually tackle the larger and more difficult aspects. If you are a beginner, opt for low maintenance plants like sanseveria, philodendron or a ZZ plant. They will instantly inject green into your space and give you a sense of achievement.

Full disclosure…Even someone like me who has been growing plants since childhood, still manages to kill a plant every now and then.

Most plants do well with bright to medium indirect light and a weekly watering. Just designate a day each week that you water your plants. I water mine on Sundays. This way it will become part of your routine.

It's Easy Being Green

While there are thousands of varieties of house plants to choose from we have come up with a list of 15 EASY TO GROW PLANTS that most people should have no trouble keeping alive. This should get you off to a good start.


Officially named Zamioculcas zamiifolia, the ZZ plant is native to East Africa. Called "the king of the indestructible plants," the species tolerates the dangerous trifecta of plant-killers: drought, low light, and really low humidity.



Sansevieria, also known as Mother in Law’s Tongue or snake plant is tough to kill. They can go for a month or more without water.  The leaves are typically stiff, sharp, and spikey.



This evergreen shrub, also known as an umbrella tree, can grow 15 feet or more outside, but under the watch of a forgetful gardener it will grow more slowly indoors. Like many plants, it can be mildly toxic so don't eat it!



There's a lot to love about philodendrons. Their name literally comes from the Greek words philo- (meaning "love")and dendron (meaning "tree").Most types can withstand dark corners as well as sparse watering. They like to be on the dry side so don’t go to heavy on the water.



The slow-growing pony tail palm likes basking in a sunny window but don’t douse this Mexican native with too much water because stores water in its trunk.



Rubber trees can measure over100 feet tall in their native Asia, but regular pruning will keep the ornamental variety in check. A potted rubber tree tolerates bright direct light, but put it in a slightly more shaded spot and it will thank you for it. Water when the soil has dried out — about every week or so. 



Calethea or Prayer plant, produces foliage pretty enough to outshine a bouquet, and you don't need a botany degree to maintain one. For the best display, keep the plant moist (not drenched) and avoid bright light.



Monstera is a must-have because it helps to balance energies and boost your mood. This plant is in its element when placed in bright, natural light with poor ventilation, and it needs moderate watering.



The weeping fig, or Ficus benjamina, is a large plant that can filter pollutants from carpets and furniture, such as formaldehyde and benzene. Though some find it hard to grow, I have never had any trouble and find it quite easy.



With its preference for indirect light, an aloe would be prefect for a north or east facing window. Give it a good soak every other week or so for optimal growth.



If you're prone to overwatering, try Spathiphyllum or Peace lily. With enough light, they'll also produce their spade-shaped flowers throughout the year. 



What's better than one spider plant? Multiple spider plants. The fast-growing shoots produce little "babies" that you can re-pot for added greenery elsewhere. Just stick to well-lit spots, and don't forget weekly watering.



Calling all black thumbs: This trailing pothos vine has earned the nickname "devil's ivy" for its ability to withstand nearly pitch-black conditions as well as under- and over-watering. 


If you're more of a waterer, an excellent plant is a Chinese evergreen. Aglaonema can withstand excess H2O, and it comes in a spectrum of colors, including green, pink, white, and red. 


Jade retains water in its round leaves, so it can sometimes survive more than a month without any attention whatsoever. Position it in a sunny window (south- or west-facing, preferably) and water when the soil feels dry.  



These little gems always remind me of my grandmother. She had them growing all over her house and they were always in bloom. These fuzzy-leafed plants, popular in the 1970s, still has a cult following and for good reason: modern African violet hybrids thrive in the same conditions as we humans do, with average humidity and temperatures.

So now that you know just how great and easy growing houseplants is, now is a great time to fill your home with greenery!

And to help you get started we have just the thing for you. Join our Plant of the Month Club or as we like to call it our Plant Enabler Club and receive a different easy to grow plant each month chosen just for you. Sign up to receive 3, 6 or 12 months of plants along with care instructions.  JOIN NOW